• I eat animal protein (meat of any kind, dairy, cheese, eggs) more than 5 times a week
  • I eat more than 1–2 foods a week with hydrogenated fats (margarine, shortening, processed or packaged foods)
  • I have servings of animal protein greater than 4–6 ounces (the size of the palm of your hand) at a meal
  • I eat less than 1 cup of dark-green leafy vegetables a day
  • I eat fewer than 5–9 servings (1/2 cup = 1 serving) of fruits and vegetables a day
  • I have more than 3 alcoholic drinks a week.
  • I have a poor mood.
  • I have a history of a heart attack or other heart disease.
  • I have a history of stroke.
  • I have a history of cancer (especially colon, cervix, breast).
  • I have a history of abnormal PAP test (cervical dysplasia).
  • I have a history of birth defects in offspring (neural tube defects or Down syndrome).
  • I have a history of dementia.
  • I have a loss of balance or sensation in feet.
  • I have a history of multiple sclerosis or other diseases with nerve damage.
  • I have a history of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • I do not take a multivitamin.
  • I am over 65-years old.

Complete the six-week program in Part III of The UltraMind Solution

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