• I am fatigued on regular basis
  • I get less than 8 hours sleep a night
  • I don’t exercise regularly or I exercise more than 15 hours a week
  • I am sensitive to perfume, smoke, or other chemicals or fumes
  • I regularly experience deep muscle or joint pain
  • I am exposed to a significant level of environmental toxins (pollutants, chemicals, etc.) at home or at work
  • I smoke cigarettes or cigars (or anything else)
  • I am regularly exposed to secondhand smoke
  • I drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages a week
  • I don’t use sunblock, or I like to bake in the sun or go to tanning booths
  • I take prescription, over-the-counter, and/or recreational drugs
  • I would rate my life as very stressful
  • I eat fried foods, margarine, or a lot of animal fat (meat, cheese, etc.)
  • I eat white flour and sugar more than twice a week
  • I eat fewer than 5 servings of deeply colored vegetables and fruits a day
  • I have chronic colds and infections (cold sores, canker sores, etc.)
  • I don’t take an antioxidant-containing multivitamin
  • I am overweight. (BMI more than 25; a BMI chart has been printed in Section 5 of this guide.
  • I have a family history of diabetes or heart disease
  • I have arthritis or allergies.

Complete the six-week program in Part III of The UltraMind Solution

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