• My head is full of ANTs (automatic negative thoughts)
  • I am a glass-half-empty person
  • I have low self-esteem and low self-confidence
  • I tend to have obsessive thoughts and behaviors (such as being a perfectionist or neat freak)
  • I get the winter blues or have a family history of SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
  • I tend to be irritable, easily angered, and/or impatient
  • I am shy and afraid of going out or have a fear of heights, crowds, flying, and/or speaking in public
  • I feel anxious or have panic attacks.
  • I have PMS (premenstrual syndrome) with moodiness, cravings, breast tenderness, and bloating before my period
  • I have trouble falling asleep.
  • I wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep, or wake up too early in the morning
  • I crave sweets or starchy carbs like bread and pasta
  • I feel better when I exercise
  • I have muscle aches, and/or jaw pain, and/or a family history of fibromyalgia
  • I have a family history of treatment with SSRIs (serotonin boosting antidepressants)

Complete the six-week program in Part III of The UltraMind Solution

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