• I have thick skin and fingernails
  • I have dry skin
  • My hair is thinning, I lose hair, or have coarse hair
  • I am sensitive to cold
  • I have cold hands and feet
  • I have muscle fatigue, pain, or weakness
  • I have heavy menstrual bleeding, worsening of premenstrual syndrome, other menstrual problems, or infertility
  • My sex drive has decreased
  • I retain fluid (swelling of hands and feet)
  • I feel fatigued (especially in the morning)
  • I have low blood pressure and heart rate
  • I have trouble with memory and concentration
  • The outer third of my eyebrows is thinning
  • I have trouble losing weight or have recent weight gain
  • I have constipation
  • I have a poor mood and am apathetic
  • I have a family history of autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, allergies, yeast overgrowth)
  • I have a family history of celiac disease or am gluten sensitive
  • I have been exposed to radiation treatments
  • I have been exposed to environmental toxins
  • I consume a lot of tuna and sushi and/or have multiple dental silver (mercury fillings)
  • I have a family history of thyroid problems
  • I drink chlorinated or fluoridated water

Complete the six-week program in Part III of The UltraMind Solution

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